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Invasives Ranking by Common Name (pdf)
DownloadTerrestrial Plant Rule Fact Sheet (pdf)
DownloadSICIM Calendar of Control (pdf)
DownloadInvasive Removal Contractors 2021 (pdf)
DownloadQuestions to ask your invasive species contractor (pdf)
DownloadA Guide to the Regulated Terrestrial Invasive Plant Species of Indiana (pdf)
Download128th Calibration Method UWY (pdf)
DownloadBasal Bark Herbicide-WIGL (pdf)
DownloadCut-Stump Herbicide-WIGL (pdf)
DownloadFoliar Herbicide Removal of Woody Invasive Species-WIGL (pdf)
DownloadGirdle Treatment and Stem Injection-WIGL (pdf)
DownloadHow to Clean Your Sprayer_Solo blog (pdf)
DownloadImitator_Plus_Label (pdf)
DownloadProper Calibration and Operation of Backpack and Hand Can Sprayers _ Ohioline (pdf)
DownloadWeed Control Methods.docx (pdf)
Download1812 Troxel Drive, Lafayette, Indiana 47909, United States